Ghent University Hospital

KlantUZ Ghent
Seamless critical communication thanks to intelligent lighting at Ghent University Hospital
Ghent University Hospital aims to provide its nurses and patients in the (corona-) department of respiratory diseases with a more efficient and better care experience. To achieve this, Ghent University Hospital recently relies on innovative top technology from LynX® for seamless critical communication. What exactly does this system make possible?
Specifically, Ghent University Hospital, in collaboration with 25-8, integrated smartphones, intelligent lighting, and a (wireless) medical and nursing call system into the daily operation of the respiratory diseases department. Thus, the hospital not only enhanced the department but also enabled nurses to care for patients better and more efficiently than ever before thanks to the new technology. Moreover, an installation was set up entirely redundantly, ensuring that even in the event of acute power failure, patient calls and medical equipment calls remain guaranteed.
Firstly, the respiratory diseases department now has a brand-new medical call system, allowing nurses to consult the medical equipment monitoring their patients from anywhere and at any time on their smartphones. Each sickbed offers four connection points for this purpose, which can only be operated by authorized personnel via badges. LEDs behind the connection points clearly indicate whether the medical equipment is correctly connected.

Always nearby, even at a distance
Furthermore, each room of the renovated respiratory diseases department offers a small display with a speak-listen connection. When nurses do not have their hands free to operate their smartphones, they can speak to patients or colleagues and answer their calls via this system for voice feedback. Calls that care recipients can also easily place with their wireless call button.

Quick response when needed
If nurses need to provide assistance in the room, they are now visually supported via smart lighting, allowing them to reach the patient in need faster than ever before.
Each status - nursing call, assistance call, emergency call - has its own color. For example, emergency calls are indicated by blue blocks running over white light to the site of intervention.
Additionally, the LED line helps create an optimal atmosphere. Nurses can either choose the light color and intensity themselves, or the system follows a time-based program. During the day, the department is brightly lit with slightly blue light to better consult information on screens or read documents optimally. In the evening, the light is more intimate and subdued.