Brose Headquarters

A radiant location
Clear lines, lots of glass, concrete, metal – and an extraordinary radiance, not only at night: the BroseFahrzeugteileGmbH factory building in Bamberg reflects the principles of the corporate group – quality, openness and transparency – in a very special way. UsingTroppLighting Design’s lighting concept and in collaboration with the architects at BM+P Hesse Hasselhoff, Zumtobel has illuminated the modern factory building. The Brose headquarters in Bamberg were officially opened in 2016.
Around 600 employees at the Bamberg location run the company’s global purchasing, development, electronics and information technology departments. Leading automotive supplier Brose currently (as of 01/2020) employs around 26,000 people at 64 locations in 24 countries. The campus in Bamberg comprises offices, a communication and concentration zone as well as a staff area, which houses a state-of-the-art health centre. Depending on their function during the average working day – and in keeping with the company’s globally standardised corporate design specifications – Zumtobel fitted all three building parts with completely different lighting solutions.
Meticulous lighting concept, meticulous external image
“Brose didn’t just meticulously plan the architecture and design language of the building”, says Olaf Rieling, Sales Office Manager Bavaria, at Zumtobel. “We also precisely defined the lighting solutions in advance, in terms of materials, luminaires, light colours and light impact. With different levels of brightness and showcasing, we create a wonderful external appearance at night, for example: an onlooker is given the impression that the building never sleeps.”
Offices with clear lines
For the offices, Brose chose the SLOTLIGHT infinity pendant luminaire. Their exceptional length of 5.50 metres gives the rooms structure, while their precise, straight lines reflect the precision with which Brose works on customer solutions. The one-piece housing of the SLOTLIGHT infinity with its extruded aluminium profiles blends seamlessly into the cool, rational working environment. The “endless” luminance-reducing optic (LRO) comes without any joints and is built as a sandwich construction with three layers. The result: The Brose employees enjoy ergonomic working light with good anti-glare properties (UGR < 19 at L65 < 3000 cd/m2).
Energy-efficient and energising
To make the lighting solution both energy-efficient and energising for the employees, the pendant luminaire radiates indirect light with a very wide “batwing” distribution. In addition, indirect and direct light components can be switched and dimmed/brightened separately from each other. Illuminance at the workplaces is always a standard-compliant 500 lx. However, the system measures the amount of available daylight and adapts the strength of the artificial light accordingly.
Best light for flexible room design
Brose also chose the SLOTLIGHT infinity for the communication and concentration zone – here in its recessed luminaire variant – which is integrated into the suspended ceiling. With luminance-reducing optic (LRO) and opal coverage, it creates a pleasant, ergonomic working light. Zumtobel stylishly combines luminaires with lengths of 30 and 240 centimetres. This enables Brose to put in partitions wherever needed – with no wiring or the need to change the ceiling construction. Meeting rooms and private areas for concentrated work can be easily and flexibly set up and dismantled.
Generally illuminated vs. specifically illuminated
Meeting rooms are on the ground floor. Here, the frameless downlights PANOS infinity provide the general lighting, while their wallwasher version accents the images on the wall. Whether for a public lecture or an informal meeting – various lighting scenes can be created depending on the room use. In the exhibition that takes visitors through the technological and commercial development of family company Brose, spotlights on tracks complement the PANOS infinity downlights.
Round luminaires for a relaxed working atmosphere
The clear lines in the offices and meeting rooms contrast with the more organic forms in the staff area. Whether in the canteen, fitness area, lecture hall or seating area, the lighting concept should enable employees to relax and converse with each other. Nine round PANOS infinity downlights are uniformly integrated in the square ceiling elements. Their distribution is precisely aligned with the grid of axes and supports. Spotlights on tracks create accents in the lighting concept. The food in the canteen is appetisingly showcased by INTRO built-in spotlights.
Whether communicating or concentrating, mental work or physical training: with Brose as an example, Zumtobel once again demonstrates how different lighting concepts can offer tailor-made support for people and their various activities. And how important it is to employ light according to the situation and needs.